Friday, April 10, 2015

The Fixed Stars          by Robert Tail       GRAZIE!!

William Lilly

The Fixed Stars were so called by the ancients to distinguish them from the Planets, or Wanderers, which are heavenly bodies moving perceptibly across the sphere of the Zodiac. Fixed Stars do not moveacross the ecliptic in the same way as planets do and in classical times were believed to be fixed to a gigantic celestial sphere, which twirled in a stately dance around the Earth every single day. Fixed Stars appear to be stationary, relative to the Earth and to each other, and are grouped into symbolic patterns called constellations(although they do travel due to precession at a rate of less than one minute per year, so needing some seventy-two years to move slightly more than one degree of arc). In modern times, these stars have also been shown to have real motion of their own, as thegalaxies appear to be rotating and expanding, although this is not possible to see with the naked eye. This discovery led scientists to propose the Big Bang Theory of the origins of the universe.

In the tropical cosmological picture, fixed stars do not lie within the tropical zodiac of the signs, which is a symbolic map; they are all beyond it in the constellations. Some of the fixed stars, particularly those near the ecliptic and of significant magnitude, have been found to exert considerable influence. The images on which our zodiac is based are, of course, patterns drawn from constellations of fixed stars, but the constellations are no longer exactly the same as the Signs of the Zodiac. For example, thanks to theprecession of the equinoxes, fixed stars in the constellation of Scorpio can nowadays be found in the tropical sign, Sagittarius. The individual stars nevertheless have a definite influence in themselves, adding a deeper level of meaning to the interpretation of the figure in question.

With regard to the interpretation of the fixed stars, the mythical significance of the star, its constellation and indeed its position in its constellation, will provide much insight into its meaning in the figure. To get a good grasp on this, be sure to have a look at John Frawley's excellent analysis, Reading the Fixed Stars, an excerpt from his upcoming book, due in 2010. The brilliant Mr Frawley is definitely The Man on matters connected with traditional astrology – knowledgeable, articulate, and witty.
Ptolemy and Lilly

Ptolemy in Tetrabiblos (I:9) declares that the stars are given natures according to their similarities to planetary influences. He specifically assigns stars in sectors of the major constellations to particular planetary likenesses. He lists these without comment, other than to say that these "are the observations of the effects of the stars themselves, as made by our predecessors".

The Elizabethan astrologer, William Lilly, identified about fifty fixed stars in his horary delineations (these are marked in the table with an asterisk *). The fixed stars have an influence when in conjunction, opposition, square or parallel aspect with a planet, or significant point in the horoscope. They are particularly important when in the Ascendant or Angles at birth, or when near the Sun or Moon. They also have an effect when directed to the Angles and can be activated by major transits. Lilly states inChristian Astrology that the planets in some parts of the Zodiac do more evidently declare their effects than in others; and he conceives this to be in those signs and degrees where fixed stars of the same nature with the planet are more in number, and nearer the ecliptic.
Behenian Fixed Stars

for magical applications (in the mediæval astrology of Europe and the Arab world) are known as theBehenian Fixed Stars (each marked with † Behenian Star). The name derives from Arabicbahman, "root," as each was considered a source of astrological power for one or more planets. Each is also connected with a gemstone and plant used in rituals intended to draw the star's influence (e.g., into a talisman).

When a planet was within six degrees of an associated star, this influence was thought to be particularly strong. For Agrippa's table, see the Behenian Fixed Stars; for a different viewpoint, see the Table of Hermes.
Orb of Aspect

Despite the foregoing, the allowed orb for fixed stars is a matter of some dispute among astrologers. Most modern astrologers lean to a very small orb, mainly based on the magnitude of the star (the brighter the star, the greater the orb). Magnitude is equivalent to "class"; so Mg.1=1st class; Mg.4=4th class, etc. Magnitudes of a negative number (e.g. Sirius: Mg.–1.43, or Canopus: Mg.–0.72) are even brighter than 1st Class! You may think this is weird, but science is like that... For a more detailed examination of magnitudes and other factors, check out Anne Wright's very comprehensive site atConstellations of Words.

Traditional astrology uses a smaller number of stars and allows a larger orb, especially for the four Royal Stars: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut, plus Sirius and Spica. Caput Algol is also allowed a larger orb, because it is such a powerful influence for evil. [If you find this a trifle harsh, dear reader, please examine Medusa's Head, a remarkable article by Diana K. Rosenberg – perhaps the greatest modern authority on the fixed stars.]

In my own work, I have found that an orb of 1 degree (one finger's width) is usually quite noticeable, though I'd allow up to 6 degrees for Algol and various sizeable orbs for the other major stars. I generally ignore most of the smaller stars unless there is a very significant reason not to. Experience is the best teacher. Have a look at my article on the influence of the fixed stars on the September 11 attack, American Catastrophefor some insight into the way they work. Fixed stars are also said to "cast no rays" meaning that aspects other than conjunction should not be considered, but this is by no means always the case, as demonstrated by Rosenberg. See also my colleague Ian Thurnwald's article on the 2002 Uranus/Algol cycle The Cycle of Uranus and Algol in 2002.

Sun and Moon have a naturally wide orb (since they actually physically occupy more of the sky). This said, the closer the orb, the stronger the influence. If a star is angular, especially if rising or setting, its influence is the greatest. This requires the use of parans (locationally determined angular relationships between planets and fixed stars in a chart, based on the horizon and the prime meridien, not the ecliptic). Bernadette Brady is the best modern writer on this. Brady's Book of Fixed Stars makes a very useful and readable addition to any astrologer's library. Conjunctions of fixed stars with planets (including lunar nodes) in the natal chart are very significant, especially if rising, setting or culminating, and when stimulated by transits.
Movement of Stellar Positions due to Precession

It's now (2011) been more than ten years since I first drew up this page. Consequently, several stars in the final degree of their tropical signs have now moved, or are moving, into the subsequent sign. Examples are Scheat, which although still technically in Pisces, entered Aries by a tight orb of influence in mid-2010; Pleiades, already in Gemini; Menkalinan, already in Cancer; Regulus, already in Virgo. You can calculate the movements by adding approximately 50 arc-seconds of a degree per year to the 2000 position of the star as listed. The table up to epoch 2010 is now complete with some new additions, though there are some minor named stars that I have not as yet included. You can see the old version here.

The strength and efficacy of the Fixed Stars is to be considered from their magnitude, their splendours, their natures or properties, their nearness to the Ecliptic, their place in the World, their multitude, their first oriental appearance, the purity of their place, the similitude or agreement of the body or rays of a Planet with them and their circle of position.

— The Seven Segments of Cardan [ed. William Lilly, 1675]

Important Fixed Stars

precess 50" per year
StarKeywordsYear 2000Year 2010EffectCharacterConstellation
Scheat *Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Essence of intellect; independent thought; break with conventional thought or philosophy
: The 30' orb of influence of Scheat crossed into 1st degree Aries mid 2010. This has been a very notable (and ongoing) event, as Jupiter and Uranus did so at almost the same time. Its effect will be prolonged until February 2012, when Uranus (finally) leaves the conjunction.
29° Pis 22
[till mid 2010]
29° Pis 30
[from mid 2010]
Very UnfortunateMars/ Mercuryβ (Beta) Pegasi
M2 (red) Mg.2.6
KerbDanger of being jilted by a lover; ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice, bad judgment1° Ari 031° Ari 11UnfortunateMars/ Mercuryτ (Tau) Pegasi
A5 (bluish-white) Mg.4.6
Deneb Kaitos
Laziness, self destruction, nervousness, illness, inhibitions, loss. Tail ofCetus (the Whale).2° Ari 352° Ari 43UnfortunateSaturnβ (Beta) Ceti
K0 (orange) Mg.2.2
AlgenibAmbition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, bad judgment. Wingtip ofPegasus(the Winged Horse)9° Ari 099° Ari 17UnfortunateMars/ Mercuryγ (Gamma) Pegasi
B2 (blue) Mg.2.9
Authority, sober mind; judges or arbitrators; cruel & severe trials; tragedy; bloody death; drama9° Ari 429° Ari 50FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterμ (Mu) Cephei
M1 (deep red) Mg.4.1 var.
AlderaminGravity, sternness, judgement, severe trials, poetry, drama12° Ari 4712° Ari 55FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterα (Alpha) Cephei
A7 (bluish-white) Mg.2.6
Alpheratz *Grace, popularity, independence, honours; freedom, love of movement, speed; strong motivation; fame. Head ofAndromeda.14° Ari 1814° Ari 26FortunateVenusα (Alpha) Andromedæ
B8 (blue) Mg.2.2
Baten KaitosIsolation, depression, accidents, emigration, shipwrecks. Belly ofCetus (the Whale).21° Ari 4821° Ari 56UnfortunateSaturnζ (Zeta) Ceti
K0 (orange) Mg.3.9
AcamarSuccess in public office, ecclesiastical success23° Ari 1623° Ari 24FortunateJupiter
Anciently "the Mouth of the River" Eridanus, so a Jupiter star like Achernar (its former name)
θ (Theta) Eridani
A2 (bluish-white) Mg.3.4
Kings, rulers, judges; head injury, decapitation, severe wounds; cruel trials; talent for acting, writing, entertaining24° Ari 1324° Ari 21FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterξ (Xi) Cephei
A1 (bluish) Mg.4.6
Al PhergPreparedness, steadiness, success through determination. In cord near Tail of Northern Fish.26° Ari 4926° Ari 57FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterη (Eta) Piscium
G3 (yellow) Mg.3.7
Merciless, uncaring, dispenser of punishment; mercenary; hideous death when afflicted by Mars; blindness; weakness27° Ari 5127° Ari 59UnfortunateMars/ MoonM31 Andromeda
spiral nebula Mg.3.4
AlrishaUnifying influence with groups29° Ari 2329° Ari 31FortunateMars/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Piscium
A2 (bluish-white) Mg.3.9
MirachGood fortune through marriage, beauty, love, talent; intuition, brilliance, creativity, generosity; inspires others, loves home. Girdle ofAndromeda(on left hip)0° Tau 240° Tau 32FortunateVenusβ (Beta) Andromedæ
M0 (red) Mg.2.4
Stella Mira
Well aspected: prudence, perseverance, versatility, progressive spirit, problem-solving. Poorly placed: failures, fiascos, enmity, melancholy, suicide. An eclipsing binary, its dramatic variability can range from invisible to peak at Mg 2.0, over a phase of around 11 months. In necklace ofCetus1° Tau 311° Tau 39UnfortunateSaturn/ Jupiterο (Omicron) Ceti
M6 (garnet) Mg.3.0 var
SharatanViolence, defeat, accidents, injury, danger, honours3° Tau 493° Tau 57UnfortunateMars/ Saturnβ (Beta) Arietis
A5 (white) Mg.2.7
CaphA troublemaker for Islam5° Tau 075° Tau 15UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusβ (Beta) Cassiopeiæ
F2 (yellowish-white) Mg.2.4
HamalViolence, cruelty, brutality, also the "Healer"7° Tau 407° Tau 48UnfortunateMars/ Saturnα (Alpha) Arietis
K2 (orange) Mg.2.2
SchedirAstrology, mysticism, writing; serious demeanour combined with joie-de-vivre; requires moderation7° Tau 487° Tau 56FortunateSaturn/ Venusα (Alpha) Cassiopeiæ
K0 (orange) Mg.2.5
Azha"The Hatching Place"; love of knowledge, science, much travel, many changes, position of authority, accidents at sea, drowning (influence of Eridanus)8° Tau 458° Tau 53FortunateSaturn
Eridanus, "The River", traverses several Signs
η (Eta) Eridani
K2 (pale yellow) Mg.4.0
AchirdHaughtiness, boastfulness, exaggerated pride; commands respect10° Tau 1510° Tau 23UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusη (Eta) Cassiopeiæ
F9 (yellowish-white) Mg.3.6
AlmachSuccess in Venusian occupations, artistic ability, popularity; eminence, beauty; military honours; cheerful, liking change & amusement14° Tau 1514° Tau 23FortunateVenus/ Marsγ (Gamma) Andromedæ
K2 (orange/emerald/blue)
MenkarDisease, throat trouble, disgrace, ruin, injury from beasts, unjustified enmities; sudden emergence of deep unconscious issues14° Tau 1914° Tau 27UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusα (Alpha) Ceti
M2 (red) Mg.2.8
RanaLove of knowledge, science, much travel, many changes, position of authority, accidents at sea, drowning (influence of Eridanus)20° Tau 5221° Tau 00FortunateSaturn
Eridanus, "The River", traverses several Signs
δ (Delta) Eridani
K0 (orange-white) Mg.3.7
ZaurakMelancholy, fear of death and suicidal tendencies23° Tau 5224° Tau 00UnfortunateSaturn
Eridanus, "The River", traverses several Signs
γ (Gamma) Eridani
M0 (orange-red) Mg.3.2
CapulusPrimitive male sexual energy; penetrating; ruthless; adventurous; dishonesty; mass effects, esp. meteorological; blindness (spiritual or emotional if not physical)24° Tau 1224° Tau 20UnfortunateMars/ Mercury
Nebulous cluster in hilt of Perseus's Sword
M34 Perseus Cluster
C (red) Mg.4.4
Caput Algol *
The Gorgon's Head
Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the "Evil One", the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. A pulsating, eclipsing double-star also associated with extreme creativity; an expression of the Dark Side... More on Caput Algol.26° Tau 1026° Tau 18Very UnfortunateSaturn/ Mars
Ptolemy says Saturn/ Jupiter. Pulsating double-star, like a winking eye
β (Beta) Persei
B8 (blue-white) Mg.2.1 var
The Seven Sisters
Accidents, blindness, violence, homosexuality, feminine power29° Tau 580° Gem 06UnfortunateGroup of 7 stars in shoulder of Bull (refer Alcyone)M45 Pleiades Cluster
B (blue) Mg.1.6

Accidents, blindness, violence, homosexuality, feminine power29° Tau 580° Gem 06UnfortunateGroup of 7 stars in shoulder of Bull (refer Alcyone)M45 Pleiades Cluster
B (blue) Mg.1.6
Alcyone *
Ambition, honour, glory. Trouble with opposite sex; homosexuality, disgrace. Bereavement; loss; sorrow0° Gem 000° Gem 08UnfortunateMoon/ Jupiter/ Marsη (Eta) Tauri
B7 (blue-white) Mg.3.0
MirfakEvents affecting large numbers of people, especially due to meteorological phenomena. Bold, adventurous, somewhat dishonest2° Gem 052° Gem 13FortunateJupiter/ Saturnα (Alpha) Persei
F5 (white) Mg.1.9
Hyades *
Scandal, violence, disgrace, imprisonment; bringer of rain. Weapons of the Gods. A nebulous cluster of 7 stars in the face of the Bull5° Gem 455° Gem 53UnfortunateSaturn/ Mercury
Group of 7 stars in face of Bull
γ (Gamma) Tauri
G9 (yellow) Mg.3.9
Aldebaran *

A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation; danger, loss, violent death9° Gem 479° Gem 55Unfortunate
Some call it "fortunate", but any honours carry immense risk & responsibility
Brightest star of the Hyades
α (Alpha) Tauri
K5 (pale rose) Mg.0.85 var.
TabitStrong, dignified, self-confidence, inconstancy, arrogance, violence, impiety; prosperity in trade & by voyages or abroad; danger of treachery & poison.11° Gem 5512° Gem 03FortunateJupiter/ Saturn
One of several "π" stars in Orion's lionskin shield.
π3 (Pi3) Orionis
F5 (yellowish) Mg.3.3
CursaCurrents of Fate, fluctuating emotions, irreversible changes to rhythm of life, sense of oblivion15° Gem 1715° Gem 25FortunateSaturn
Eridanus, "The River", traverses several Signs
β (Beta) Eridani
A3 (white) Mg.2.9
Rigel *
Technical and artistic ability, inventiveness, humour, honours, riches, happiness16° Gem 5016° Gem 58FortunateJupiter/ Marsβ (Beta) Orionis
B8 (blue-white) Mg.0.12
Hoedus I
For both Hoedus I and II when rising: self-confidence, honours; happiness, but great vicissitudes. Adroit mind, public service, magistrate, judge. Country life, education of young people; fickle love; storms at sea18° Gem 3818° Gem 46FortunateMars/ Mercuryζ (Zeta) Aurigae
KB (orange) Mg.3.8 var
Hoedus II
For both Hoedus I and II when setting: petulant, lascivious, depraved and vicious desires. Cowardice, early death, possibly suicide. A deceptive exterior. Violent storms, esp. at sea.19° Gem 2719° Gem 35FortunateMars/ Mercuryη (Eta) Aurigae
B3 (bluish) Mg.3.3
Bellatrix *
Loquaciousness, accidents, sudden dishonour21° Gem 2821° Gem 36UnfortunateMars/ Mercuryγ (Gamma) Orionis
B2 (pale yellow) Mg.1.7
Inquisitiveness, open mindedness, powerful friends21° Gem 5121° Gem 59FortunateMars/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Aurigæ
CG (white) Mg.0.08
PhactTalent in art or science22° Gem 1622° Gem 24FortunateVenus/ Mercury/ Uranusα (Alpha) Columbæ
B8 (bluish-white) Mg.2.8
High position, studious, sharp mind, good memory. Good fortune, depending on associated planets. A double star, the westernmost star in Orion's belt, the first to rise.22° Gem 2422° Gem 32FortunateSaturn/ Mercury/ Jupiterδ (Delta) Orionis
O9 (bright white) Mg.2.5
El NathLuck, fortune, success, quarrels, headstrong; weapons of war; point of attack22° Gem 2622° Gem 34FortunateMarsβ (Beta) Tauri
B7 (bluish-white) Mg.1.8
Alnilam *
Brief fame, quick temper, scandal. Central star of Orion's belt23° Gem 2823° Gem 36FortunateJupiter/ Saturnε (Epsilon) Orionis
B0 (white) Mg.1.8
Notoriety, good fortune, lasting happiness. A triple star, the easternmost in Orion's belt.24° Gem 4124° Gem 49FortunateJupiter/ Saturnζ (Zeta) Orionis
B0 (bluish) Mg.1.74
Al Hecka *Honours, wealth, power, greed, aggression24° Gem 4224° Gem 50FortunateMarsζ (Zeta) Tauri
B2 (bluish-white) Mg.3.0
Polaris *

Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers28° Gem 3428° Gem 42UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusα (Alpha) Ursa Minoris
F8 (pale yellow) Mg.2.1
Betelgeuse *
Great fortune and fame, especially military success, but associated with calamities, danger, and violence28° Gem 4528° Gem 53UnfortunateMars/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Orionis
M2 (reddish orange) Mg.0.50 var.
MenkalinanRuin, disgrace, violent death, esp. through pleasure-seeking; self-confidence, honours, fond of country life. Danger of earthquakes if associated with solar eclipse29° Gem 5500° Can 03UnfortunateMars/ Mercury/ Venusβ (Beta) Aurigæ
A2 (bright yellow) Mg.1.9 var.
MenkalinanRuin, disgrace, violent death, esp. through pleasure-seeking; self-confidence, honours, fond of country life. Danger of earthquakes if associated with solar eclipse29° Gem 5500° Can 03UnfortunateMars/ Mercury/ Venusβ (Beta) Aurigæ
A2 (bright yellow) Mg.1.9 var.
Propus *
Overconfidence, pride, shamelessness, violence, eminence, manifest intelligence3° Can 263° Can 34UnfortunateMercury/ Saturnη (Eta) Geminorum
M3 (red) Mg.3.3 var.
Tejat PosteriorForce, energy, power, protection; manifest intelligence; cultural development5° Can 185° Can 26FortunateMercury/ Venusμ (Mu) Geminorum
M3 (red) Mg.3.2 var.
MirzamGood qualities, charitable, faithful; dangerous passions; "The Roarer", announcing the rising of Sirius; "The Announcer", with Gomeisa7° Can 117° Can 19FortunateVenusβ (Beta) Canis Majoris
B1 (white) Mg.2.0
Acute sensitivity, creative imagination, artistic skills, writing, injuries to feet9° Can 069° Can 14FortunateMercury/ Venus/ Jupiterγ (Gamma) Geminorum
A1 (bluish white) Mg.1.9
AlzirrHunting, besieging towns, the revenge of princes, trouble, disgrace, sickness, loss of fortune, affliction, danger to knees11° Can 1311° Can 21UnfortunateMercury/ Venus/ Jupiterξ (Xi) Geminorum
F5 (yellowish white) Mg.3.4
Artistic, emotional but sombre; penetrating, analytical mind, much travel, many friends; danger of robbery and accidental poisoning. Craft, ingenuity, valour. A binary star in Draco, the Dragon.13° Can 4813° Can 56UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsψ (Psi) Draconis
F5 (yellowish white) Mg.4.9.
Sirius *

Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signalled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar. More onSirius.14° Can 0514° Can 13FortunateJupiter/ Marsα (Alpha) Canis Majoris
A1 (bluish white) Mg. –1.43 var.
Canopus *
Voyages, journeys, creativity; scandal, violence; great glory, fame, wealth; changes evil to good; the Rishi (Hindu sage) Agasthya; star of St Catharine; helmsman of the Argo14° Can 5114° Can 59FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterα (Alpha) Carinæ
F0 (white) Mg. –0.72
WasatChemicals, poisons, gas; violence, malevolence, destructiveness as a first principal; pessimism; clear, authoritative speech; prominence in public affairs18° Can 3118° Can 40UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsδ (Delta) Geminorum
F2 (pale white) Mg.3.5
Castor *Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief; "The Mortal Twin"20° Can 1420° Can 22UnfortunateSaturn/ Mars/ Venusα (Alpha) Geminorum
A1 (bluish white) Mg.1.57
Gomeisa"The Weeping One"; frivolity; fame through speaking; love of dogs; dogbite; death by drowning22° Can 1222° Can 20UnfortunateMercury/ Marsβ (Beta) Canis Minoris
B8 (blue) Mg.3.1
Pollux *
Contemplative speculation, audacity, astrology, ruin, disgrace, death, calamity; the "Immortal Twin"; the "Heartless Judge"23° Can 1323° Can 21UnfortunateMars/ Moon/ Uranusβ (Beta) Geminorum
K0 (reddish orange) Mg.1.14
Procyon *
Wealth, fame, good fortune; sharp mind, willpower, stubbornness; violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation; death by drowning; love of dogs; dogbites25° Can 4725° Can 55Very FortunateMars/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Canis Minoris
F5 (yellow-white) Mg.0.38
AludraGood-hearted, charitable, faithful; dangerous passions; danger from or fear of darkness and night; liability to dog bites.29° Can 3229° Can 40FortunateVenusη (Eta) Canis Majoris
B5 (blue) Mg.2.4
TalithaQuiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, great anger when roused; control of wild animals2° Leo 482° Leo 56NeutralSaturn/ Marsι (Iota) Ursæ Majoris
A7 (white) Mg.3.1
The Aselli
Death by fever, fire, hanging, beheading, or violent catastrophe, ruin, disgrace, wounds, hurts to face, eye trouble, blindness, imprisonment, great changes in society. A small asterism on the back of the Crab.Nebulous
in 1st decan
of Leo
in 1st decan
of Leo
UnfortunateMars/ Moon
Praesaepe *Inner drive, reclusive, blindness, murder, tragedy, fires, homosexuality, violent death. The soul gate (souls entering earthly incarnation). Fortunate in business, though liable to loss and disgrace. The Manger, or Crib, flanked by the two Asses of the Nativity.7° Leo 127° Leo 20UnfortunateMars/ Moonε (Epsilon) Cancri
C (reddish) Mg.3.7
M44 Cluster, the Beehive or Manger, an open nebula, part of The Aselli
North Asellus *
Patience, beneficence and courage, heroic and defiant leader7° Leo 247° Leo 32FortunateSun/ Marsγ (Gamma) Cancri
A0 (white) Mg.4.7
South Asellus *
Military preferment, blindness, eye trouble, shipwreck, mass murder, horrors, self-willed, uncooperative8° Leo 358° Leo 43UnfortunateSun/ Marsδ (Delta) Cancri
K0 (reddish orange) Mg.4.2
GiansarPenetrating and analytical mind, travel and many friends, craft, ingenuity, and valour, but danger of robbery and accidental poisoning10° Leo 2010° Leo 28NeutralSaturn/ Marsλ (Lambda) Draconis
M0 (reddish orange) Mg.4.1
AcubensAstrology, writing, perseverance, domestic problems, poison, liars13° Leo 3513° Leo 43FortunateSaturn/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Cancri
A5 (white) Mg.4.3
Astrology, arrogance, psychic power, destruction;aka Krathu, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) inUrsa Major; Bast Isis, the Egyptian goddess; "The Eye"; "Heaven's Pivot"15° Leo 0015° Leo 08FortunateVenus/ Mercury/ Marsα (Alpha) Ursæ Majoris
K0 (orange) Mg.2.0
MerakPrudent, restrained, mistrustful, self-controlled (but angry when roused), love of command, power to achieve, good with animals;Pulaha, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) ofUrsa Major19° Leo 0619° Leo 14FortunateSaturn/ Mercury/ Marsβ (Beta) Ursæ Majoris
A1 (white) Mg.2.37
Tania BorealisIn the right hind paw ofUrsa Major, along with Tania Australis, this star was part of an early Arabian constellation, The Gazelle, of which this group is the "Second Leap". The Great Bear is mainly martial in action, considered unfortunate for nations and kings.19° Leo 3319° Leo 41FortunateMercury/ Marsλ (Lambda) Ursæ Majoris
A2 (white) Mg.3.5
Cruel, heartless, bold, bombastic, brutish, destructive, artistic appreciation. Power of expression, spiritual gifts, leadership20° Leo 4220° Leo 50UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsε (Epsilon) Leonis
G3 (yellow) Mg.3.1
Tania AustralisIn the right hind paw ofUrsa Major, along with Tania Borealis, this star was part of an early Arabian constellation, The Gazelle, of which this group is the "Second Leap". The Great Bear is mainly martial in action, considered unfortunate for nations and kings.21° Leo 1421° Leo 22UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsμ (Mu) Ursæ Majoris
M0 (red) Mg.3.2
"Own Worst Enemy"An unfortunate degree. No freedom to act on one's own behalf22° Leo22° LeoUnfortunate
SubraStrength; plunder; swagger; yet simple and without guile24° Leo 1524° Leo 23UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsο (Omicron) Leonis
F6 (white) Mg 3.8
Alphard *Gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self control, immorality. Sudden death by poison or drowning. Problems with law, love affairs, drugs27° Leo 0827° Leo 16FortunateSaturn/ Venusα (Alpha) Hydræ
K3 (orange) Mg.202
AdhaferaCrime, lying and stealing, suicide27° Leo 3427° Leo 42UnfortunateSaturn/ Mercuryζ (Zeta) Leonis
F0 (white) Mg.3.6
Al Jabhah *Wealth, sound judgement, cleverness, prone to violence, self-seeking, danger, loss, mutiny27° Leo 4127° Leo 49NeutralSaturn/ Mercuryη (Eta) Leonis
A0 (bluish white) Mg.3.6
Regulus *

The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Said by some to be the most benefic star in the universe.29° Leo 530° Vir 01Very FortunateMars/ Jupiterα (Alpha) Leonis
B7 (blue/white) Mg.1.35
Regulus *

The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Said by some to be the most benefic star in the universe.29° Leo 530° Vir 01Very FortunateMars/ Jupiterα (Alpha) Leonis
B7 (blue/white) Mg.1.35
Civilising influence, tamer of beasts, transmission of divine knowledge;Pulasthya, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of the Great Bear, Ursa Major; bloodbaths, assassinations, riots, sexual perversion0° Vir 290° Vir 37FortunateJupiter/ Venusγ (Gamma) Ursæ Majoris
A0 (topaz yellow) Mg.2.5
PræcipuaGenerous, noble, peaceful, fearless nature, with the ability to undertake prominent and responsible positions0° Vir 531° Vir 01FortunateJupiter/ Mars(46) Leonis Minoris
K0 (orange) Mg.3.83
although brightest, this is modern, so no Greek letter
MegrezSpiritual sight; creativity; violence;Atri, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages), the ruling star of the Great Bear, Ursa Major1° Vir 041° Vir 12FortunateMarsδ (Delta) Ursæ Majoris
A3 (pale yellow) Mg.3.4
Alula BorealisHindmost foot of Ursa Major. As the northern Alula, it is more fortunate. Associated with female infidelity & revenge. This star is conjunct the natal Sun and Part of Fortune of popstar Michael Jackson. The Great Bear gives a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit; great anger when roused.6° Vir 396° Vir 47FortunateMars/ Venus/ Saturnν (Nu) Ursæ Majoris
K3 (orange) Mg.3.7
Alula AustralisHindmost foot of Ursa Major. The southern Alula, it is less fortunate. Associated with female infidelity & revenge. The Great Bear gives a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit; great anger when roused.7° Vir 217° Vir 29FortunateMars/ Venus/ Saturnξ (Xi) Ursæ Majoris
G0 (yellow) Mg.3.9
ThubanProspectors of gold and silver or those who are ministers of money; burning to death in own house7° Vir 277° Vir 35FortunateSaturn/ Marsα (Alpha) Draconis
A0 (pale yellow) Mg.3.6
Suicide among women; danger in pregnancy;Angirasa, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) inUrsa Major8° Vir 569° Vir 04UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusε (Epsilon) Ursæ Majoris
A0 (white) Mg.1.7
ZosmaKeen intellect, depression, fearful, unhappy, feels restricted, loss in childhood; egotism; prophetic ability (with Coxa: "Kua, the Oracle")11° Vir 1611° Vir 24FortunateSaturn/ Venusδ (Delta) Leonis
A2 (pale yellow) Mg.2.6
CoxaGood for voyages, gain by merchandise, redemption of captives; prophetic ability (with Zosma: "Kua, the Oracle"); strength; wisdom13° Vir 2513° Vir 33FortunateSaturn/ Venusθ (Theta) Leonis
A4 (white) Mg.3.4
MizarConnected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities;Vasishta, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) ofUrsa Major15° Vir 4215° Vir 50UnfortunateMarsζ (Zeta) Ursæ Majoris
A2 (white) Mg.2.4
Denebola *Criticism, perseverance, control, lack of imagination, honours, undesirable associates, mental illness, happiness turns to despair, disease, natural disasters, catastrophes21° Vir 3821° Vir 46UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusβ (Beta) Leonis
A4 (bluish-white) Mg.2.2
Coma Berenices *Eye problems; suave manner, with great personal charm; idle and dissipated; dramatic; an asterism, or galactic cluster, rather than a star, with the main star being Diadem.23° Vir 4823° Vir 56FortunateMoon/ Venusα (Alpha) Comæ Berenices
F4 (yellow-white) Mg.4.3
LabrumHonours, riches, ambition, psychic, chronic illness, dishonest income26° Vir 3826° Vir 46FortunateMercury/ Venusδ (Delta) Crateris
K0 (orange) Mg.3.8
Associated with death and mourning, war, natural catastrophes; Marichi, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) ofUrsa Major26° Vir 5627° Vir 04UnfortunateMoon/ Mercury/ Saturnη (Eta) Ursæ Majoris
B3 (bluish white) Mg.1.9
MarkebVoyages, educational work, broad knowledge, piety, temporary injury28° Vir 5429° Vir 02FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterκ (Kappa) Velorum
B3 (bluish-white) Mg.2.6 var.
ZaniahOrder, congeniality, lovable nature, refinement, honour; money, love, adultery, prostitution4° Lib 314° Lib 39Very FortunateMercury/ Venusη (Eta) Virginis
A0 (white) Mg.4.0
DiademSuave, well-bred; personal charm; dissipation. Dramatic ability. The "Wreath of Jewels" in Berenice's hair (the constellation Coma Berenices)8° Lib 579° Lib 05FortunateSaturn/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Comæ Berenices
F4 (yellow-white) Mg.4.3 var.
Falsity, folly, disgrace, stealing, widowhood, depression, witch-hunts, mysticism & the occult9° Lib 5610° Lib 04UnfortunateSaturn/ Mercuryε (Epsilon) Virginis
G6 (bright yellow) Mg.3.0
Courteous, refined, lovable, prophetic instincts. Charm, intrigue, scandal. Feminine, submissive, childbirth. An atonement offering.10° Lib 0810° Lib 16FortunateMercury/ Venusγ (Gamma) Virginis
F0 (yellowish) Mg.2.9

Craftiness, greed, ingenuity, patience, revengefulness, passion, selfishness, lying, aggression, and material instincts; sometimes causes natives to become agitators.
NOTE: In ancient times was called Algorab, but this title in modern charts is taken by Algorab, in the right wing of the Raven.
10° Lib 4410° Lib 52UnfortunateMars/ Saturnγ (Gamma) Corvi
B8 (bluish-white) Mg.2.8
AlgorabScavenging, destructiveness, repulsiveness, malevolence, fiendishness and lying, suicide, greed, injuries.13° Lib 2713° Lib 35UnfortunateMars/ Saturnδ (Delta) Corvi
A0 (white) Mg.3.0
MergaGuardians, ministers of state, custodians, treasurers, force behind the scenes, hidden masters, economists, architects, designers, "The Sickle"15° Lib 2715° Lib 35FortunateMercury/ Saturn(38) Boötis
F7 (yellowish) Mg.5.8
although ancient, very pale so no Greek letter
Seginus *Business, astrology, law, loss through friends, deceitful, shameless17° Lib 3917° Lib 47FortunateMercury/ Saturn/ Venusγ (Gamma) Boötis
A7 (white) Mg.3.0
MufridProsperity from work, planning, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, occultism19° Lib 2019° Lib 28FortunateMercury/ Saturnη (Eta) Boötis
G0 (pale yellow) Mg.2.8
Prosperity, leadership; divine teacher, creative power; peril, dignity, piety, usefulness, acquisitiveness; ear & eye trouble, indecision, shipwreck. Amazing variability of brightness, thought to be a supernova in 1843 (brighter than Sirius), yet vanished in 1900 to reappear in 1940. More onForamen.22° Lib 0922° Lib 17FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterη (Eta) Carinæ
LVB (blue) Mg.1.9 var.
Spica *
Wealth, fame, honour, glamour, the "Fortunate One". Spica looks like one star, but is actually two, an eclipsing binary in a tight orbit of 4 days. A planet in close conjunction to Spica is protected from the heat of theVia Combusta23° Lib 5023° Lib 58Very FortunateVenus/ Marsα (Alpha) Virginis
B1 (brilliant bluish white)
Mg.0.98 var.
Arcturus *
Inspiration, riches, fame, honour, popularity, benefits through travel, success through work24° Lib 1424° Lib 22Very FortunateJupiter/ Marsα (Alpha) Boötis
K1 (golden red) Mg. –0.04
Princeps *Ability to research keen, studious and profound mind, business, government, law, science, arts, lies3° Sco 093° Sco 17FortunateMercury/ Saturnδ (Delta) Boötis
G4 (pale yellow) Mg.3.5
KhambaliaDeep research of any kind, police investigation, espionage and esoteric subjects; secret life; spiritual life6° Sco 577° Sco 05FortunateMercury/ Marsλ (Lambda) Virginis
A2 (white) Mg.4.6
AcruxInterest in astrology and spirituality, metaphysics, sacrifice11° Sco 5212° Sco 00OccultJupiterα (Alpha) Crucis a.k.a.
ζ (Zeta) Centauri
B1 (blue) Mg.0.76
Alphecca *
Honour, dignity, literate, brilliant, poetic, scandals, betrayal in love, sorrow through children12° Sco 1612° Sco 24FortunateVenus/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Coronæ Borealis
A0 (brilliant white) Mg.2.3
MenkentWisdom, astronomy, divination, medicine, botany and music12° Sco 1812° Sco 26FortunateVenus/ Mercuryθ (Theta) Centauri
K0 (orange/red) Mg.2.06 var.
South Scale *
Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality15° Sco 0415° Sco 12UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsα (Alpha) 2 Libræ
A3 (white) Mg.2.9
A malefic degree, tragedy, misfortune, the "Accursed Degree". This degree does not precess.19° Sco19° ScoUnfortunateMars/ Saturn
North Scale *
Honours, wealth, distinction, brilliant mind, success in sports, politics, war, religion, writing, tragedy, violence, melancholy19° Sco 2319° Sco 31FortunateJupiter/ Mercury/ Marsβ (Beta) Libræ
B8 (emerald) Mg.2.7
Alpha Serpentis *
Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake22° Sco 0422° Sco 12UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsα (Alpha) Serpens
K2 (pale yellow) Mg.2.8
AgenaGood health, high morals, disillusion through love, success with the masses23° Sco 4823° Sco 56FortunateVenus/ Jupiterβ (Beta) Centauri
B3 (blue) Mg.0.61 var.
Occult and philosophical learning, self analysis, honours; beneficence, friends, refinement; high position; stubborn, cruel; stormy or spoiled relationships with women; need for freedom. Sometimes known as Bungula, or Rigel Kentaurus29° Sco 3629° Sco 44FortunateVenus/ Jupiterα (Alpha) Centauri
G2 (yellowish) Mg. –0.27 var.
KornephorosFixity of purpose, strength of character, ardent nature and dangerous passions1° Sag 051° Sag 13NeutralMercuryβ (Beta) Herculis
G7 (pale yellow) Mg.2.8
Yed Prior *Success in astrology & 9th house matters, shrewd; immorality, shamelessness, revolution2° Sag 182° Sag 26FortunateSaturn/ Venusδ (Delta) Ophiuchi
M0 (orange-red) Mg.3.0
The Scorpion's Crown; sudden assaults, malevolence, immorality and shamelessness; mass catastrophe; skill in battle; research esp. into secrets and hidden things; adept; patient, wary2° Sag 342° Sag 42UnfortunateMars/ Saturnδ (Delta) Scorpii
B0 (white/blue) Mg.2.5
The Tree of Life. The Jewel. Riches, materialism, power, honour, transitory wealth; malevolence, mercilessness, fiendishness, repulsiveness, malice, theft, crime; pestilence, contagious diseases; a.k.a. Graffias3° Sag 113° Sag 19UnfortunateMars/ Saturnβ (Beta) Scorpii
B1 (bluish white & lilac) Mg.2.9
Yed PosteriorEvil influence; the Man of Death; wasteful; unseen dangers; poisoning3° Sag 313° Sag 39UnfortunateSaturn/ Marsε (Epsilon) Ophiuchi
G9 (deep yellow) Mg.3.3
MarfikPassionate, blindly good-hearted, easily seduced, healer with herbs5° Sag 365° Sag 44UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusα (Lambda) Ophiuchi
M1 (white/blue) Mg.3.8 var.
Antares *

A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages9° Sag 469° Sag 54FortunateMars/ Jupiter/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Scorpii
MB (red & green) Mg.0.98 var.
Rastaban *
The Dragon's Eye. Impulsive, honourable, good for astrology, government, writing, sports, finance, the arts, accidents, wounds, blindness, criminality11° Sag 5812° Sag 06UnfortunateSaturn/ Mars/ Jupiterβ (Beta) Draconis
G2 (yellow) Mg.3.0
Ras AlgethiFixity of purpose, strength of character, ardent nature and dangerous passions16° Sag 0916° Sag 17FortunateMars/ Venus/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Herculis
M5 (orange red & blue green) Mg.3.5 var.
SabikWastefulness and lost energy, perverted morals, success in evil deeds17° Sag 5818° Sag 06UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusη (Eta) Ophiuchi
A2 (white) Mg.2.6
MaasymStrength of character, tenacity, fixity of purpose, ardent nature and dangerous passions; the turning point of the Sun19° Sag 5420° Sag 02UnfortunateMercuryλ (Lambda) Herculis
K3 (deep yellow) Mg.4.5.
AtriaJust, truthful, righteous and benevolent, interest in architecture and freemasonry20° Sag 5421° Sag 00Very FortunateMercury/ Jupiterα (Alpha) Trianguli Australe
K5 (pale rose) Mg.1.9
Ras AlhagueThe head of Serpentarius (Ophiuchus). Trouble with women, perverted tastes, drugs, poisoning, hallucination, medicines, infections, mystical healing22° Sag 2722° Sag 35FortunateSaturn/Venusα (Alpha) Ophiuchi
A5 (sapphire blue) Mg.2.1
Danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, accidents, catastrophes, operations24° Sag 0124° Sag 09UnfortunateMercury/ Marsυ (Upsilon) Scorpii
B2 (blue) Mg.2.8
Danger, desperation, immorality, malevolence; acid poisons, victory in sieges, destruction of seafarers & captives, exorcism, mesmerism, spiritual pressure towards enlightenment24° Sag 3524° Sag 43UnfortunateMercury/ Marsλ (Lambda) Scorpii
B2 (pale rose) Mg.1.63 var.
Nebulous cluster same nature as Acumen; affects eyesight; blindness in one or both eyes if conjunct afflicted luminary or malefic afflicting the luminaries; morbid outlook, sharp mind, religious extremism; poison of sting25° Sag 4425° Sag 52UnfortunateMars/ MoonM6 Scorpius
C (blue/orange) Mg.4.2 var.
Galactic Centre
Vast supermassive Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy, discovered 1932; source of energy, motivation, aspiration; alien consciousness; crisis of faith; travel; education; philosophy; spiritual urges; single-minded dedication26° Sag 5227° Sag 00FortunateJupiterSag. "A" radio source
black hole at centre
Milky Way galaxy
EtaminLiking solitude, good concentration, dishonour, downfall and loss of prestige, esoteric and philosophical studies; occult power27° Sag 5828° Sag 06FortunateSaturn/ Mars/ Jupiterγ (Gamma) Draconis
K5 (orange) Mg.2.4
Same nature as Aculeus; affects eyesight; blindness in one or both eyes if conjunct afflicted luminary or malefic afflicting the luminaries; morbid outlook, sharp mind, religious extremism28° Sag 4528° Sag 53UnfortunateMars/ MoonM7 Scorpius
C (white) Mg.3.3
SinistraThe left hand of Serpentarius (Ophiuchus). Immoral, mean and slovenly, depraved, lustful, wanton, infamous, scandalous, addicted to sorcery and poisoning29° Sag 4529° Sag 53UnfortunateSaturn/ Venusν (Nu) Ophiuchi
K0 (orange) Mg.3.32 var.
Eye trouble, blindness, depression, hopelessly doomed, morbid religious outlook, no concern for human life; a nebula in the upper part of the Bow of the Archer.1° Cap 041° Cap 12UnfortunateMars/ MoonM8 Sagittarius
N (red) Mg.6.0
AlnaslEye trouble, blindness (or bad eyesight). A double star, with other weaker companions, in the middle of the Bow of the Archer.1° Cap 161° Cap 24UnfortunateMars/ Moonγ (Gamma) Sagittarii
K0 (orange) Mg.3.1
Martial desires, high ambitions, domination, keen perception, success; horsemanship, truthfulness; spiritual power. A double star at the top of the Bow of the Archer3° Cap 133° Cap 21Very FortunateJupiter/ Marsμ (Mu) Sagittarii
B8 (blue) Mg.3.0 var.
Kaus MediusFavourable for coronations, expiatory ceremonies, planting trees, sowing seeds, building towns, and matters of a permanent nature; polite, popular, many friends; danger of earthquakes, natural disaster, political conflict. In the middle of the Archer's Bow4° Cap 354° Cap 43FortunateMars/ Jupiterδ (Delta) Sagittarii
K3 (orange) Mg.2.8
Kaus AustralisQuiet nature; strong limbs, keen intellect, swift movement, indefatigable spirit. At the bottom (southern) end of the Archer's Bow5° Cap 055° Cap 13FortunateMars/ Jupiterε (Epsilon) Sagittarii
B9 (blue) Mg.2.0
Kaus BorealisPromoters of idealistic and humane ideas, promoters of mental stimuli, enterprise and a sense of justice. Towards the top (northern) end of the Archer's Bow6° Cap 196° Cap 27FortunateMercury/ Marsλ (Lambda) Sagittarii
K1 (deep yellow) Mg.2.9
FaciesBlindness, violent death, sickness, accidents, broken limbs; leadership, war, coldness, detachment, perfectionism; earthquakes; pure combative energies; adventure, risk-taking, glamour; fulfilment through charitable works8° Cap 168° Cap 24Very Unfortunate
a nebulous cluster
in face of Archer
Sun/ MarsM22 Sagittarius
C (red) Mg.5.9
Truthfulness, optimism, religious mind; oratory, fond of travel, authority on business, state & foreign affairs. On the vane of the arrow at the Archer's hand12° Cap 2312° Cap 31FortunateJupiter/ Mercuryσ (Sigma) Sagittarii
B3 (blue) Mg.2.1
AscellaGood fortune; lasting happiness; valuable gifts, love of women; burning & poison13° Cap 3813° Cap 46FortunateJupiter/ Mercuryζ (Zeta) Sagittarii
A4 (bluish white) Mg.2.7
ManubriumBlindness, explosions, fire, heat; heroism, courage, defiance; high-performance athletics, intellect; military strategy14° Cap 5915° Cap 07UnfortunateSun/ Marsο (Omicron) Sagittarii
G8 (yellow) Mg.3.0
Vega *
Luck in politics, artistic talent, fleeting fame, double dealing, generosity, practicality15° Cap 1915° Cap 27FortunateVenus/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Lyræ
A1 (pale sapphire) Mg.0.03
SheliakArtistic talent, sexual adventures, disgrace, gaudiness, independent thought, trouble with authority, death by violence. Hidden pitfalls, yet can take us to great heights (of music, as Sheliak is the strings of the Lyre). Orpheus, to whom Apollo gave the Lyre, was torn to pieces for misusing the power of music.18° Cap 5319° Cap 01FortunateVenus/ Mercury
Like Algol, an eclipsing binary but (unlike Algol) a fortunate star
β (Beta) Lyræ
B8 (blue) Mg.3.5 var.
DhenebMartial Arts, ability to command, liberality, beneficence19° Cap 4819° Cap 56Very FortunateMars/ Jupiterζ (Zeta) Aquilæ
B9 (blue/white) Mg.3.0
SulaphatHarmonious, poetical, developed nature, fond of music; scientific, artistic; inclined to theft21° Cap 5522° Cap 03FortunateVenus/ Mercuryγ (Gamma) Lyræ
B9 (blue/white) Mg.3.3
PeacockVanity and love of display, together with a long life and sometimes fame23° Cap 4923° Cap 57FortunateVenus/ Mercury/ Saturnα (Alpha) Pavonis
B2 (blue) Mg.2.1
TerebellumStrength, power, rise in life, riches, cunning, disgrace25° Cap 5125° Cap 59FortunateVenus/ Saturnω (Omega) Sagittarii
G5 (yellow) Mg.4.8
Spoil and plunder, imagination, strong passions, will, clairvoyance, fame, powerful mind0° Aqu 561° Aqu 04FortunateMars/ Jupiterγ (Gamma) Aquilæ
K3 (pale orange) Mg.2.8
ShamCombative, opinionated, jealousy, danger of death in battle1° Aqu 041° Aqu 12UnfortunateMars/ Venusα (Alpha) Sagittæ
G1 (yellow) Mg.4.4
AlbireoContemplative, cultured, artistic, congenial appearance and disposition1° Aqu 151° Aqu 23FortunateVenus/ Mercuryβ (Beta) Cygni
K3 (topaz yellow) Mg.3.2
Altair *
Sudden but ephemeral fortune, impulsiveness, courage, accidents, astrology, writing; great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, clairvoyance, penetrating mind1° Aqu 471° Aqu 55FortunateMars/ Jupiterα (Alpha) Aquilæ
A7 (white) Mg.0.77
Algedi *
Beneficence, peculiar events, love affairs, great good fortune; a double star3° Aqu 463° Aqu 54FortunateVenus/ Marsα (Alpha) Capricorni
G3 (yellow) Mg.3.2
DabihGood for healing; tendency to melancholy; trouble through sexual relationships; a double star4° Aqu 034° Aqu 11FortunateVenus/ Saturnβ (Beta) Capricorni
F8 (yellowish) Mg.3.2
BosKeen intellect, good for business, military, analysis5° Aqu 345° Aqu 42FortunateSaturn/ Venusρ (Rho) Capricorni
F1 (yellowish) Mg.5.0
AlbaliDanger, persecution and even death, but also said to give good fortune11° Aqu 4311° Aqu 51FortunateMars/ Mercuryε (Epsilon) Aquarii
A1 (white) Mg.3.8
DorsumThe Wheel of Fortune; bites from venomous creatures (with Sun or Mars)13° Aqu 5113° Aqu 59UnfortunateSaturn/Jupiterθ (Theta) Capricorni
A0 (white) Mg.4.2
AlnairRetiring, active, proud, watchful, kind, idealistic, devoted, liking for astronomy, "the Bright One" formerly part of Piscis Austrinus, the southern Fish15° Aqu 5416° Aqu 02FortunateMercury/Jupiterα (Alpha) Gruis
B7 (blue) Mg.1.73
CastraDestructiveness, uncontrollable temper, malevolence; some say this star is fortunate, with a virtuous old age20° Aqu 1220° Aqu 20UnfortunateSaturn/ Jupiterε (Epsilon) Capricorni
B5 (blue) Mg.4.7
Nashira *Writing, government, religion, overcomes evil21° Aqu 4721° Aqu 55FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterγ (Gamma) Capricorni
A7 (white) Mg.3.8
KitalphaGives friendship and sagacity but frivolity and love of pleasure; fame, horsemanship23° Aqu 0723° Aqu 15FortunateMercury/ Venusα (Alpha) Equulei
GA (yellow/white) Mg.4.1
Sadalsuud *Fortuna Fortunarum, great fortune; astrology, occult, government, business, psychic, visionary, originality; personal charm; temperance; aviation23° Aqu 4623° Aqu 54Very FortunateSaturn/ Mercuryβ (Beta) Aquarii
G0 (pale yellow) Mg.3.1
Deneb Algedi
A wise leader; finding the joy inherent in sorrow – and vice versa; glory and fame if death is avoided; betrayal, loss of position if associated with Sun or Moon23° Aqu 5023° Aqu 58FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterδ (Delta) Capricorni
A5 (white) Mg.3.0
SadorGlittering wings, figured by stars. Part of the Christian Cross. Words of command, gathering of wealth; a hidden god; love of water, swimming, the arts; communication with birds; aviation24° Aqu 5024° Aqu 58FortunateJupiter/ Saturnγ (Gamma) Cygni
F8 (yellowish) Mg.2.3
Soar to great heights, potential of sudden downfall; "the Swan's Wing"27° Aqu 4527° Aqu 53NeutralVenus/ Mercuryε (Epsilon) Cygni
K0 (yellow-orange) Mg.2.46
Sadalmelik"The Lucky One of the King". Occult interests, prominence, success; original, inventive; persecution, extreme, sudden destruction, death penalty3° Pis 463° Pis 54FortunateSaturn/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Aquarii
G1 (pale yellow) Mg.3.2
Fomalhaut *A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Great & lasting honours; congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, "Star of Alchemy", addiction, undesirable associates3° Pis 524° Pis 00FortunateVenus/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Piscis Austrini
A2 (white) Mg.1.16
Deneb Adige *
Intelligent, creative, original, naive, astrology, writing, the public, dog bites5° Pis 165° Pis 24FortunateVenus/ Mercuryα (Alpha) Cygni
A2 (white) Mg.1.25
SadalachbiaSuccess in ventures, personal charm, movement to rich pastures, aviation, discovery of lost items, "the Star of Hidden Things"6° Pis 436° Pis 51FortunateVenus/ Mercuryγ (Gamma) Aquarii
A0 (greenish-white) Mg.4.0
SkatGood fortune, personal charm, lasting happiness, psychic interests, sensitivity, occult interests, many friends8° Pis 529° Pis 00FortunateSaturn/ Jupiterδ (Delta) Aquarii
A2 (white) Mg.3.5
AchernarSudden success in public office, religious benefits, access to another realm15° Pis 1915° Pis 27FortunateJupiter
"the mouth of The River", a constellation extending over several Signs. Ptolemy says stars in Eridanusare ruled by Saturn, excepting Achernar, the brightest (seeAcamar)
α (Alpha) Eridani
B9 (bluish-white) Mg.0.46
Markab *Violence, honours and riches' "Star of Sorrow", disgrace, ruin; literary, legal problems, accidents; cuts, stabs, surgery23° Pis 2923° Pis 37UnfortunateMars/ Mercury/ Venusα (Alpha) Pegasi
B9 (bluish-white) Mg.2.6
Sadalbari"Luck of the Splendid One"; Pegasus: ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice, bad judgment; changes in weather; events concerning ships & ocean; knowledge of healing herbs24° Pis 2324° Pis 31FortunateMars/ Mercuryμ (Mu) Pegasi
G6 (yellow) Mg.3.7
Matar"Fortunate Rain"; Pegasus: ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice, bad judgment; changes in weather; events concerning ships & ocean; knowledge of healing herbs25° Pis 4325° Pis 51FortunateMars/ Mercuryη (Eta) Pegasi
G2 (yellow) Mg.3.1
Azalfafage"Tail of the Hen"; Cygnus: understanding & control of birds; contemplative, dreamy, cultured & adaptable nature. Talents develop late. Love of water, swimming & the arts.28° Pis 1728° Pis 25FortunateVenusπ (Pi) Cygni
B3 (bluish-white) Mg.4.8.
Scheat *Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Essence of intellect; independent thought; break with conventional thought or philosophy
: Scheat's orb of influence crosses into the 1st degree of Aries in mid 2010. This will be a very notable event, as Jupiter and Uranus do so at almost the same time.

Grazie a Robert Tail!!
29° Pis 2229° Pis 30Very UnfortunateMars/ Mercuryβ (Beta) Pegasi
M2 (red) Mg.2.6

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